Torbjørn Forseth (Senior researcher, Norwegian institute for nature research)
Asbjørn Vøllestad (Professor, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo)
Knut Wiik Vollset (Researcher, NORCE - Norwegian Research Center AS)
Peder Fiske (Senior researcher, Norwegian institute for nature research)
Morten Falkegård (Researcher, Norwegian institute for nature research)Åse
Monica Solberg (Senior researcher, Institute of marine research)
Helge Skoglund (Researcher, NORCE - Norwegian Research Center AS)
Eva B. Thorstad (Researcher, Norwegian institute for nature research)
Øyvind Kaste (Senior researcher and regional leader, Norwegian institute for water research)
Anders Foldvik (Senior researcher, Norwegian institute for nature research)
Sigurd Einum (Professor, Centre for Biodiversity Dinamics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Åse Helen Garseth (Veterinarian, Norwewgian Veterinary Institute)
Kjell Rong Utne (Researcher, Institute of marine research)
Geir H. Bolstad (Senior researcher, Norwegian institute for nature research)